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How to download & use ebooks

When you buy an ebook format edition on this site, you will receive a confirmation email for your order which will contain a download link to the respective file. Additionally, you will also be able to access the download link after logging in with the account details you chose at the checkout stage, then visiting My Account. The Downloads section will list all your electronic books purchases, or you can view all order receipts individually under Your Orders, containing the same download links. There is no limit to the number of times you can download of files, or the number of devices you may download it to.

How to upload a Kindle book to your device or app

After you’ve downloaded a Kindle file, you will have to manually send it or upload it to your Kindle reader – whether it be a Kindle device or a tablet or phone app. There are two ways of doing this:

Transfer by connecting your Kindle to your computer:

Use the USB/charging cable that was provided with your Kindle device to connect it to the computer.

Drag and drop the MOBI file to your Kindle’s “documents” folder, using your computer’s file browser.

When done, eject the Kindle’s disk icon (right-click on the icon and choose “Eject.”).

Transfer by emailing the MOBI file

Log in to your Amazon account, and go to Your Account – Manage Your Kindle.

Choose Personal Documents Settings from the menu on the left and fine the corresponding email address assigned to your Kindle device (Kindle reader, Kindle phone or tablet app).

Attach the MOBI file to a new email message and send it to that email address.

Refresh the documents & books list on your Kindle device or app, or force a Sync of the library documents.