I’ve been busy, that is my main excuse for not posting on here for a few months. Anyway, sorry about that, it’s a bit rich me hoping you’ll read my blogs etc when it takes months for them to appear.  I hope you’ll forgive me, I don’t MEAN to be so ignorant, honest

What have I been busy with?

THE GIGANTE, my novel about John & Peggy Charles in 1957 when he left Leeds to play for Juventus in Italy, is finished and will be published by the terrific Ockley Books.  Scheduled release date is September. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed writing it and I hope that the emotion is successfully conveyed onto the page for the reader to enjoy reading as much as this writer has enjoyed writing it.

A new novel I’ve embarked on is called ‘Carrying Billy’… it has been given the figurative green light by the publisher but it’s a long way off being completed.  It’s the fictionalisation of a young lad’s real-life experiences in 1950s Leeds when he realizes his dream of becoming a professional footballer.  It’ll be out late next year if all goes according to plan.  You know when you’re working on something that just feels right?  Well that’s how I feel about ‘Carrying Billy’… I’m hoping to capture the mood of the era combined with the hopes and aspirations of a remarkable youngster then, my good friend Peter McConnell who is always entertaining and a great pleasure to chat with.

Screen-writing projects.  As you all are probably well aware, all my professional training and efforts in writing scripts have so far resulted in absolutely diddly-squat being produced but I remain hopeful and ambitious.  Currently I’m collaborating with the splendid Paul Arrowsmith on a vampire project (it’s bloody great, ho ho!) which we hope to finish very soon and then attract discerning and adventurous film-makers to want to make it.

Also, I have revamped my Heath Robinson biopic – now titled ‘Heath Robinson At War’ – and am patiently waiting for my boss (he won’t like me calling him that) Tony White’s thoughts.  The original was too ‘twee’ and I was trying too hard to make it a film for kids and adults alike.  Now it is more focused on Heath Robinson, one of Britain’s unsung heroes in my not so humble opinion – and his experiences during World War One.  This screenplay is ooooooozing with originality and involves live action and that ancient fantastic art of 2D animation. I’m not clever enough to do Heath Robinson the level of justice he deserves but am very confident Tony White will steer the project there.

And last but not least, I’m working with my great mate Dom Grace on a TV series dripping with irreverence and innuendo called ‘Model Village’.  And in Ben Reid we have a great guy keen to produce too. I know we shouldn’t laugh at our own jokes but I must admit to often sniggering and chuckling whilst I’ve been writing it.

Thank you all for reading this.

All the best,
